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Hey I am Khush

a budding web developer

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A Simple calculator made using ReactJS

Live Demo

Pomdoro Clock

Pomodoro Clock made using ReactJS, use this to improve your efficiency at work

Live Demo

Markdown Previewer

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is a simple way to add formatting like headers, bold, bulleted lists, and so on to a plain text. Markdown uses a simple formatting syntax to accomplish the same thing that HTML does, but it is simpler than HTML.

Live Demo

Random Quote Generator

It generates a quote from 100 stored quotes which you can then tweet or share it on tumblr

Live Demo

Drum Machine

A drum Machine made using ReactJS. Was a fun project though a lot more of features and sounds can be added.

Live Demo

Rock Paper Scissor Game

A rock Paper Scissor game using javascript

Live Demo

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